Boats from 22 to 24.99 m in Norway.2022,nr.1

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List number 1. From 1-1-2022 to 1-1-2022. Fishing in Net in Norway has been good now in January and here on this list we have 2 boats that have fish over 170 tons . Fröybanken has been in pretty many trips, total of 20 trips and starts the year in seat number 2. Storvig is only 10 tons away from ...

Boats from 20 to 21.99 m in Norway.2022,nr.1

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List number 1,. from 1-1-2022 to 1-23-2022. not many boats on this list, only 5 boats, but other 3 boats are fishing herring, but they are not here on this list. here is not mackerel and herring on this list. Ann Brita starts well, 101 tons in 14 trips, and Norbanken on Line with 90 tons in 3 trips. ...

Boats from 15 to 19.99 m in Norway 2022,nr.1

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List number 1. From 1-1-2022 to 1-22-2022. fishing good but the weather in Norway has not been good this first days of the year 2022. Havbara on net start well with 121 tons in 14 trips. and also here we have some shrimps boats. Havbara Pic Kristoffer Rognan.

Boats from 14 to 14,99 m in Norway 2022,nr.1

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List number 1. From 1-1-2022 to 1-22-2022. For the year 2021, Hauge Junior was the highest boats with over 1600 tonns. ans the boats starts the year 2022 good, is number 1 with 142 tons in 7 trips on net. Ragnhild Kristine with 88 tons in 5 with autoline. The boats on this list are fishing with net, ...

Boats from 12 to 13,99 m in Norway 2022,nr.1

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List number 1. From 1-1-2022 to 1-20-2022. Good start for Hendanes and Mjasund, both have now fish over 60 tons. as can been seen 5 boats have fish over 40 tons. Hendanes Pic Frode Adolfsen.

Boats from 11 to 12 m in

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List number 1. from 1-1-2022 to 1-19-2022. not many boats on t his list, they are only 13, and 2 of them have now fish over 10 tons,. Viljar with 12,4 tons in 8 trips. and Gerd that starts with 16,1 tons in 4 trips. Svana with 7 tons in 6 trips. Gerd Pic unknown.

Boats from 9 to 10.99 m in

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List number 1°. From 1-1-2022 to 1-19-2022. good fishing in this first list for the year 2022. Ludvik starts number 1 and he was number 1 for the year 2021. Alls the top 6 boats have got more than 10 tons in a trip, and Helena has got. the most 15,2 tons in one trip. Ludvik pic from there facebook ...

Boats from 8 to 9 meters in Norway 2022,List nr.1

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List number 1. From 1-1-2022 to 1-18-2022. pretty good start on this first list of the year 2022. 6 boats have fish over 5 tons. . and Leif Harald has been pretty often to sea,.  the boat has been 12 times go fishing and . starts on the top with 13,3 tons , the boat is fishing with net. Leif Harald ...

Boats from 7 to 8 meters in Norway 2022. nr.1

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List number 1. from 1-1-2022 to 1-18-2022. not many boats that have started fishing in this size in Norway, they are only 45 and here we have top 40 boats. 2 boats start with over 5 tons and Skagen is number 1 with 6,7 tons in 4 trips. Husöygutt that was number 1 for the year 2021 has not started ...

Boats from 6 to 7 meters in Norway 2022,nr,1

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List number 1. from 1-1-2022 to 1-16-2022. most of the boats that are here fishing are fishing crabs, but Lina that starts number 1 is fishing with line. and starts pretty good, with 5,5 tons in 5 trips and most 2,4 tons in one trip. Datas from

Boats up to 6 meters in

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List number 1. from 1-1-2022 to 1-15-2022. around 60 boats in this smallest of boats in Norway have started fishing, but here are the boats that have caught over 100 kilos. most of these boats are fishing crabs, and like in the year 2021. Fjordfangst starts number 2, and he is also the boat that has ...

Boats from 28m to 35 m in Norway 2021.Final List

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List number 4. Final list for the year 2021. from 1-1-2021 to 12-31-2021. Here on this list most of the boats are fishing with seine, but also are using net and line. 6 boats did fish over 2000 tons, and 2 boats did caught over 4000 tons,. on this list  Ballstadöy was with 139 tons in 6 trips. ...

Boats from 25 to 27.99 m in Norway.2021.Final List

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List number 8,. Final list for the year 2021. from 1-1-2021 to 12-31-2021. most of the boats on this list are fishing with seine and in the bottm of the list are the boats that are fishing shrimp. 14 boats did caught over 1000 tons, and 7 boats did caught over 2000 tons. but on the top with 4415 ...

Boats from 22 to 24.99 m in Norway.2021.Final list

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List number 8. Final list for the year 2021. from 1-1-2021 to 12-31-2021. on this list was pretty good fishing in desember and mostly from boats that did fish with net. Storvig was with 161,4 tons in 8 trips and with that ended in seat number 3 in Norway on this list. in total 9 boats did fish over ...

Boats from 20 to 21.99 m in Norway.2021.Final list

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List number 8. Final list for the year 2021. from 1-1-2021 to 12-31-2021. On this list in total of 11 boats did fish over 1000 tons, . Ben Hur was highest on this list with 1500 tons,. but on this list, Hallvardson was with 79,6 tons in 6 and with that did fish over 1000 tons. Keipnes 54,7 tons in 1 ...

Boats from 15 to 19.99 m in Norway 2021.Final List

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List number 8. Final list for the year 2021. from 1-1-2021 to 12-31-2021. Sara Karin was with 49,7 tons in 1 trip and this was never any doubt, because Sara Karin did fish over 2000 tons,. and was with over 1000 tons more fish than Klævtind that was number 2,. but have in mind that Sara KArin is ...

Boats from 14 to 14,99 m in Norway 2021.Final list

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List number 8. Final list for the year 2021. Here we have 5 boats that did fish over 1000 tons in the year 2021, and on this list.  Hauge Junior was with 57,8 tons in 3 trips. And Hauge Junior ended up number 1 on this list for the year 2021 with about 17,7 tons in a trip. Ragnhild Kristine was with ...

Boats from 12 to 13,99 m in Norway 2021.Final list

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List number 9. Final list for the year 2021. from 1-1-2021 to 12-31-2021. this was never any doubt, Mjasund was the only boat that did fish over 1000 tons, and he also was . the boat that did go in the most trips, 204 and that means that he was with 7,2 tons in a trips. that is pretty good. 7 boats ...

Boats from 11 to 12 m in Norway.2021.Final List

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List number 9. Final list for the year 2021. from 1-1-2021 to 12-31-2021. now many boats in this list, but 10 of them did fish over 100 tons,. ans 2 boats did fish over 150 tons,. where Gerd was the highest one with 153 tons in 35 trips. Gerd pic unknown.

Boats from 9 to 10.99 m in Norway.2021. Final list

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List number 9. Final list for the boat up from 10 to 10,99 meters in Norway. from 1,1-2021 to 12-31-2021. good year for this size of boats in Norway for the year 2021.  2 boats did fish over 700 tons, and . on this final list not many boats did fish between christmas and new years eve, but Myreng ...

Boats from 8 to 9 meters in Norway 2021.Final List

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List number 9. Final list for the boats from 8 to 9 meters in Norway 2021. from 1-1-2021 to 12-31-2021. Here we have 6 boats that did fish over 100 tons, and we have many boat that did go in more than 100 trips. Vigrunn did go in the most trips, 198 on this list . On this list Snetind was with 1,5 ...

Boats from 7 to 8 meters in Norway 2021.Final list

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List number 9. Final list for the boats from 7 to 8 meters long in Norway year 2021. from 1-1-2021 to 12-31-2021. This was never any doubt.  Husöygutt was number 1, and is number 1.  . He was the only boat on this list that did fish over 100 tons,. Skagen was number 2 with 93 tons,. but in total 17 ...

Boats from 6 to 7 meters in Norway 2021.Final list

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List number 9. final list for boat from 6 to 7 meters in norway year 2021. from 1-1-2021 to 12-31-2021. here on this list , 5 boats did fish over 40 tons and most of the boat that are here fishing, are fishing krabs, . but also some of the are fishing with net,  like Rask M-83-M that was the only ...

Boats up to 6 meters in Norway.2021.Final list

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Listi number 9. Final list for the year 2021. from 1-1-2021 to 12-31-2021. as can been seen 3 boats did fish over 40 tons this year and most of these small boats in Norway are fishing. krabs.  Fjordfangst did go in the most trips ore 201 trips. but Örna was the highest one with 64,6 tons in 124 ...

Boats from 12 to 13,99 m in Norway

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List number 8. From 1-1-2021 to 12-28-2021. Mjasund first boat that has been in more that 200 trips.   was with 56,9 tons in 7 trips and in total 204 trips. Kvitholmen 14,9 tons in 4. Hendanes 40,3 tons in 8. Leif Helge 28,1 ton sin 6. Vardöyfisk II 33,5 tons in 4 trips. Rottfisk 21,6 tons in 4. ...

Boats from 11 to 12 m in

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List number 8. From 1-1-2021 to 12-26-2021. few boats did come with fish on this list. Pecten Harvester with 3,8 tons in 3. Viljar 6,6 tons in 6. Nordböen 4,8 tons in 4 trips. Fidel 5,5 tons in 5 trips. Viljar Pic Odd Sven Samuelsen.

Boats from 9 to 10.99 m in

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List number 8. From 1-1-2021 to 12-25-2021. Good fishing on this list and 4 boats have now fish over 400 tons, and on the top it is still fight between Ludvik and Myreng Fisk. Ludvik was with 70,1 tons in 8 trips, and Myreng Fisk 71,9 tons in 5 trips. Sommaröy 49,4 tons in 8 trips and lifts up from ...

Boats from 8 to 9 meters in Norway

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List number 8. From 1-1-2021 to 12-24-2021. good fishing on this list and now have 6 boats fish over 100 tons and in total of 35 boats have fish over 60 tons,. on this list some boats did fish over 9 tons  and boats are jumping pretty much up on the list. In seat number 41 is now Anita TF-3-TF and ...

Boats from 7 to 8 meters in Norway

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List number 8. from 1-1-2021 to 12-23-2021. now have on this list 17 boats fish over 40 tons,. Frants with 2,7 tons in 3. Tunfisk 2,3 ton sin 3. Varheim 2,3 tons in 4. Viggo 912 kilos in 6 trips and come new on the list in seat number 38. Frants Pic builder.

Boats from 6 to 7 meters in Norway

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List number 8. From 1-1-2021 to 12-21-2021. not many boats that where fishing on this list. Rask was with 800 kilos in 1 trips . Skagen 1,5 tons in 4 trips. Vilma 1 tons in 1 trips. Mercedes 1,4 tons in 8 trips. Maken 2 tons in 2 trips. Gullfisk 2,6 tons in 7 trips and went up 14 seats. Gullfisk Pic ...

Boats up to 6 meters in

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List number 8. from 1-1-2021 to 12-20-2021. not so many boats that where fishing now on this list. but Örna was with 700 kilos is seat number 1. Fjordfangst 1 tons in 8 trips and is now number 2, and 196 trips. Shores 1 3,1 tons in 1. Annely 700 kilos íin 3. Downbeach 2,4 tons in 5 trips. Like ...

Bigboats in Norway year 2021, nr.20

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List number 20. from 1-1-2021 to 12-19-2021. good fishing on this list and now have 2 boats fish over 5000 tons,. Loran was with 647 tons and with that is now number 1 in Norway. Atlantic with 487 tons in 1 trip. Geit 581 tons in 1. Veststeinen 487 tons in 1. Seir 288 tons in 1. Rolf Asbjorn 211 ...

Boats from 25 to 27.99 m in

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List number 6. from 1-1-2021 to 12-14-2021. here on this list are most of the boats fishing with seine, and in the bottow of the list are the boats that are fishing shrimp. Lofotfangst was with 72,7 tons in 4 trips. SKolmen 222 tons in 5 trips. Ole Oskar 30 ton sin 5, and this boat was H Nielsen ...

Boats from 22 to 24.99 m in

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List number 7. from 1-1-2021 to 12-12-2021. pretty good fishing on this list. 4 boats have fish over 1400 tons on this list. Wikeröy Senior 28,9 tonsin 4. Skomværfisk 93,3 tons in 4 trips. Storvig 67,5 tons in 4. Skottind 37,3 tons in 2 and is not only 8 tons from fishing over 1000 tons. Senjaværing ...

Boats from 20 to 21.99 m in

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Listi numer 7. from 1-1-2021 to 12-12-2021. now have 8 boats on this list fish over 1000 tons,. and yes we have now new boat that is number 1,. Andöyfisk that was number one was with 10,3 tons in 6 trips. but Ben Hur was with 137,6 tons in 5 trips and with that is now number 1,. Grotle 85,8 tons in ...

Boats from 15 to 19.99 m in Norway

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List number 7. from 1-1-2021 to 12-12-2021. now have 3 boats fish over 1000 tons, but Ole Elvan is  with 1000 tons,. Sara Karin was with 47,7 tons in 1. Klævtind 76,8 tons in 13 trips on net. Ole LEvan 21,3 ton sin 6. Havbara 78,7 tons in 6. Tommy Junior 61,8 tons in 5. Kjell Senior 76,5 tons in 5 ...

Boats from 14 to 14,99 m in Norway

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List number 7. from 1-1-2021 to 12-9-2021. Good fishing on this list, both for the boats that are on net and also the boats that are on line,. Now have 5 boats fish over 1000 tons, and 7 have fish over 900 tons,. Hauge Junor is still number one and was with 52,5 tons in 4. Ragnhild KRistine 78 tons ...

Boats from 12 to 13,99 m in Norway

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List number 7. from 1-1-2021 to 12-9-2021. Now have on this list 7 boats fish over 400 tons,. but on the top is Mjasund that ws with 64,8 tons in 16 trips . Hendanes 67 tons in 15 trips and did fish most on this list. Leif Helge 35,6 tons in 11. Trolltind 57 tons in 20 trips. Elise Kristin 42 tons ...

Boats from 11 to 12 m in

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List number 7. From 1-1-2021 to 12-7-2021. Gerd has finally started to fish, the boat did not fish anything since middle of may this year. now the boat was with 4,6 tons in 4 trips and with that has fish over 150 tons,. Pecten Harvester 7,1 ton sin 5. Viljar 2,4 ton sin 3. Fomar 2,3 tons in 4. Svana ...

Boats from 9 to 10.99 m in

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List number 7. From 1-1-2021 to 12-7-2021. now is not many days until this year 2021 is finish, and here on this list we have 2 boats that have now fish over 600 tons. and who will be number 1 in the end of this year??.  Ludvik ore Myreng Fisk? On this list Ludvik was with 61 tons in 16 trips on ...