Norsk pelagic ship 31 to 50
Norsk pelagic ship over 50 meters nr.3
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List number 3. Many new ships in Norway come now on the list. in total they are now 21. and six ships in Norway are now over 1000 tons. Gerda Maria was with 922 tons of mackerel in one trip. and went with that on the top. This Gerda Marie is new, and was bought to Norway last year. name be for was ...
Norsk Pelagic ship. 31 to 50 meters. nr.1
Norsk pelagic ship over 50
Norsk pelagic ship over 50
Norsk pelagic ship over 50
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List number 11. Finally here is a new list of the pelagic ship in Norway,. in total they have fish 723.000 tons. and as can been seen. Akeröy is the highest one, but not far from it is Havglans. both over 18.000 tons,. not in sept and okt most of the ships have been fishing herring and mackerel,. ...
Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.10
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List number 8. Now 2 ships in Norway are over 10.000 tons,. Akeröy with 3100 tons in 2 trips. Eros 2094 tons in 1. Gunnar Langva 3169 tons in 2. Talbor 2754 tons in 2. Havskjer 2720 tons in 2. Kvannöy 3430 tons in 2. Sæbjörn 2548 ton in 2. Havgrlans 2192 tons in 2. Sjöbris 3071 ton sin 2. Strand ...
Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.7
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List number 7. Much fishing in norway now in this list, and now the ship on this list have landed 282,000 tons,. Österbris was with 3896 tons in 2 trips and with that is over 10.000 tons,. Akeröy 3465 tons in 2. Fiskeskjer 4816 tons in 3. Norderveg 2018 tn í 1. Christina E 3996 tons in 2. Eros 4276 ...
Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.6
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List number 6. Now all of the biggest ship in Norway are fishing blue whitning and the fishing is going well,. 3 ships are over 7000 tons,. Österbris was with 2202 tons in one trip. Gardar 1923 tons in 1. Rogne 3787 tons in 2. Storeknut 4354 tons in 3. Norderveg 4108 tons in 3. Hardhaus 3731 tons in ...
Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.5
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List number 5. Akeröy with 1582 tons of blue whiting landed in ICeland,. Ligrunn 426 tons of h erring in one trip and with that went i seat number 1,. vikingbank 196 tons . Nordsjobas 823 tons of herring. Andrea L 614 tons of herring in one trip. Morten Einar 739 tons of blue whiting in one trip,. ...
Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.4
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List number 4. Still many ships are fishing herring in Norway. but now also many ships have started fishing blue whiting. Österbris came with 2276 tons in one trip and Kings Bay 2287 tons in 1,. Ligrunn 943 tons of herring. Manon 1905 tons in one trip. Brennholm 1884 tons in 1. Rogne 1942 tons . ...
Norsk Pelagic ship over 50 meters nr.2
Norsk pelagic ship 15-30 meters, nr.1
Norsk pelagic 31-50 meters. nr.1
Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.1
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List number 1,. well here we start the list of the pelagic ship in Norway over 50 meters long,. now the ship have landed almost 25.000 tons,. and Liafjord start number 1 with almost 3000 tons,. If you want to support Aflafrettir. click on the Advertising that are on the page. thanks. Liafjord Pic ...
Foreign Pelagic ship in
Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.6
Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.5
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Listi number 5. Now many ships in Norway over 50 meters long are fishing herring,. and total in this list was 47,000 tons that came from the ships in 3 weeks. and the have landed 1,1 million tons,. Akeröy is still number 1 and was with 2087 tons in 2 trips. Talbor 1401 tons. Heröyfjord 1781 ton. ...
Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.4
Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.3
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List number 3. Here down is what the boats where fishing on this list. now Österbris is number 1 was with 609 tons of herring in 2 trips,. Akeröy 694 tons in 3 trips. Heröyfjord 1324 tons in 3. Harvest 835 tons. Magnarson 1240 tons. Selvag Senior 485 tons,. Seinsund 999 tons. Trönderbas 704 ton,. ...
Norsk pelagic ships 15 to 30 meters. nr.1
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List number 1,. Here is a list of the norsk boats that have been fishing herring, and so on. . this is the boats that are from 15 meters long to 30.99 meters. Most of the boats here on this list are fishing herring ans only one boat Hellevig was fishing blue whitning,. but there is a new Hellevig ...
Norsk pelagic ships 31 to 50
Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.2
Norsk pelagic ships over 50 meters. nr 2
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List number 2. Now here we finally have new list of the pelagic ships in norway and this list is for the boats that are over 50 meters long. as seen on the list 3 ships in Norway are over 30.000 tons and Akeröy is the highest one with about 37519 tons. most of that is Blue Whiting 28.000 tons,. In ...
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.12
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List number 12. most of the big ship in norway are now fishing blue whiting and the fishing is going well. Akeröy with 4850 tons in 3 trips and is not close to 18.000 tons. Österbris 4000 tons in 2. Magnarson 3800 tons in 2. Hardhaus 3730 tons in 2. Ligrunn 2550 tons in 2. Birkeland 5130 tons in 3 ...
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.11
Norsk Pelagic ships year
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List number 10. Now the norsk pelagic ship are mostly fishing capelin and blue whiting and total of 434.000 tons has come from this ships,. Akeröy still number one and was with 1900 tons in one trip and is now over 10.000 tons,. Endre Dyröy 2400 tons in one trip. Vendla 2220 tons in 2 trips. Endre ...
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.7
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List number 7. Now many ships in Norway are fishing capelin and that fishing is doing well. now total of 356.000 have come to Norway by this ships. . Akeröy still on top with 1775 tons in 2 trips. Gardar 3200 tons in 2 trips. Hardhaus 2240 tons in 2 tros. Kings Bay 3650 tons in 2 trips and of that ...
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.7
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List number 7. Now many pelagic ships in Norway are fishing capelin in norway. in ICeland norsk pelagic ships have finish the quota they had in iceland of the capelin,. Also mush blue whiting fishing is going on. now the ships have landed 250.000 tons. Österbris came with 2250 tons in one trip of ...
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.6
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.6
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List number 6. Now many pelagic ships from Norway are fishing capelin in Iceland. . Vendla has fish total 864 tons in 2 trips. and Kings Bay 1141 tons in one trip. Österbris came with 2250 tons of blue whiting to ICeland in one trip. Gardar 1800 tons of blue whiting to Norway in one trip. Now the ...
Foreign pelagic
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.5
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.4
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List number 4. Still more and more boats are coming to this list. now they are 106 and have come with about 70.000 tons. most of herring. Akeröy is the only norsk ship that is fishing blue whiting and he came with 1900 tons in one trip. Magnarson 490 tons of herring in 1 trip. Lönningen 1170 tons ...
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.3
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List number 3. This list is getting bigger and bigger. now the list is over 80 ships and total of the fish that these ships have landed is about 48.000 tons,. Magnarson is now on the top was with 1590 tons of herring in 2 trips. Manon 1100 tons of herring in one triop. Gardar 1150 tons on herring in ...
Foreign pelagic ship in
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.2
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List number 2. Magnarson came with 830 tons of herring in one trip. Gerda Marie 860 tons of herring in one trip. Öknesværing 200 tons of herring in one trip. Storstein 180 tons of herring in 5 trips. Öyaskjer 145 tons in 2 trips. Kristina 190 tons of herring in 4 trips. Magnarson Pic Preben micheal ...