Autoline boat Sighvatur GK with over 500 tons in oktober.

In Iceland are now 13 big autolines boats.

in oktober they did fish pretty good.

3 autolines boats did fish over 400 tons per ship 

but one boat did fish most

Sighvatur GK fish total of 525 tons in 5 trips,  most 124 tons in one trip.

All autoline boats in ICeland fish in ice, and no autoline boats are freezing the fish,  but in Norway many big autolines boats are

freezing the fish

top 3 autoline boats in Iceland in okt where these

1.  Sighvatur GK 525 tons in 5 trips,  most 124,2 tons,

2.  Fjölnir GK 422 tons in 4 trips, most 112 tons,

3.  Páll Jónsson GK 408 tons in 4 trips, most 133 tons in one trip

Sighvatur GK pic Elvar Jósefsson