Iceland . 5, small trawlers with 22,000 tons
In Iceland there are around 50 trawlers.
around 20 of them are trawlers that are under 29 meters long
they all have around 1050 bhp engine
and can fish up to 3 miles from land
the year 2020 was pretty good for this 29 meters boats
13, 29 meters trawler did fish over 3000 tons each
and 5 ships did fish over 4000 tons each
the trawler Bergey VE 144 that is a new ship, was build 2019
was number 1 with 4979,5 tons in 70 trips and that is about 71 tons in a trip
total these 5 trawlers i Iceland did fish total of 22300 tons.
Here is a list of top 5 ships in iceland and i have to point out that alls these trawlers are new and all are similar
in sice and type, all where build in the year 2019,
but in seat number 2 is Frosti ÞH and he is the oldest, was build in the year 2001 and was only fishing for 10 months
all the other where fishing for 12 months
Here is a list of the top 5 ships in Iceland in the year 2020
Seat Name Fish Trips Fish in a trip
5 Vörður ÞH 44 4020 56 71,7
4 Steinunn SF 10 4310,3 61 70,6
3 Vestmannaey VE 54 4355,2 64 68,1
2 Frosti ÞH 229 4639,4 81 57,3
1 Bergey VE 144 4979,5 70 71,1
Bergey VE pic EGG
Frosti ÞH Pic Guðmundur Guðmundsson