Lurøybas N-114-L with over 100 tons in one trip.

Many boats in Norway fish with snurpenot/ringnot.  ore in english purse seine.

many of these boats are under 30 meters long and most of them are fishing 

like mackrel and herring.

but also they are fishing saithe ( ufsi á íslensku ore sei in Norsk)

one of this boats is Lurøybas  N-114-L.

This boat is build 1998 and is 27,4  meters long and 7,5 meters wide, he has 870 hp engine

This year 2020 the boat has fish total of 1154 tons and of that is saithe 453 tons, and herring 563 tons,

Full load of saithe (ufsa)
now in august the boat came with full  load to Norway with saithe 

total the boat was with 138 tons of saithe in one trip, 

This 138 tons of saithe is the biggest saithe trip for the boat in one trip this year 2020

but this is not the biggest trip for the boat this year because in juny the boat came with 148 tons of herring in one trip

Luröybas pic Trond Viggi Sjávik

Luröybas Pic Geir Vinnes