New Geir M-123-A has now fish over 700 tons
In Norway one of the newest autolineboats there is Geir M-123-A
Geir was build in the year and finish in may 2020.
The boat is 63 meters long and 13,5 meters wide
has 3428 hp engine om board
Geir started fishing in juny and first trip was 86,3 tons of fish. mostly cod 61,7 tons,
trip number 2 was pretty good ore 270,4 tons in one trip, and all this is frozen fish
but the newest trip was the biggest one,
Geir came to Tromsö with 397 tons in one trip
of that was catfish ( steinbítur) 164 tons.
Greenland Halibut (Grálúða) was 74,7 tons
in total Geir has now landed 754 tons in 3 trips.
Geir Pic Magnar Lyngstad