Pelagic ship in The Faroe

List number 18.

We can say that this list is the final list of the pelagic ships in the Faroe islands,

On this list Christain í Grótinu came with 1076 tons in one trip and was the higest one in the faroe islands.

total of 54182 tons,

Finnur Friði was with 3072 tons in 2 trips

Tróndur í götu 2080 tn in 1

Borgarinn 3213 tons in 2

Högaberg 4151 tons in 3 tripos

Norðborg 6532 tons in 4 trips.  most of herring,

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Christain í Grótinu,  Pic LArry Smith

Seat Before Name Fishing capelin Blue whiting herring mackerel Argentina Silus
1 1 Christian í Grótinum OW- 54182
41044 4510 8626
3 3 Finnur Fríði XPXP 49115 3395 35778 1239 8611
2 2 Tróndur í Götu XPXM 48778 1838 34465 937 11535
5 5 Borgarin XPSE 42155
36739 4 5410
4 4 Júpiter XPRG 41810 1937 34734 276 4861
7 7 Högaberg XPQA 41689 3559 21813 10 16304
6 6 Fagraberg OW-2400 39347
35472 23 38522
8 8 Norðingur OW-2050 37206
30295 451 6453
9 9 Norðborg XPYG 34466 3567 15953 4158 10817
10 10 Næraberg OW-2072 24967
12 12 Tummas T XPKF 15201
7226 2499 5475
11 11 Arctic Voyager XPUT 15143
14696 447

13 13 Hoyvík XPSA 12682
8020 7 4654
14 14 Nýborg XPUG 4758
15 15 Fram XPUK 3409
16 16 Vesturbugvin OW-2493 2789
11 23 758 2001
17 17 Eysturbugvin OW-2487 2482
166 18 459 1837
18 18 Skoraberg OW-2100 2185
43 18
19 19 Polarhav XPVI 2142

20 20 Fuglberg OW-2097 2117

21 21 Stjornan XPVT 1758
10 5
22 22 Norðhavið XPXN 350

23 23 Steintór OW-2380 136

24 24 Breiðanes OW-2489 89

25 25 Havborg OW-2072

26 26 Slættaberg OW-2333