Sunderöy number 1. But what is AF??

And the Winner is    Sunderöy,  yes Sunderöy trawler was the highest in Norway for the year 2022.

But no this small text that i write here is not about Sunderöy.

it is about AF.     But what is AF.  well AF is,   and  

and the main reason for why i write this now is because in the year 2022, i got over a 1000 messages from you readers, mostly from Norway

and many of you did write " that you guys", ore " great djop that you guys are doing" ,  this mean that the readers of Aflafrettir think that there is many people 
behind this page

But no.

There is no " guys" behind the page and,  it is just me.

My name is Gísli reynisson.  and i live in Iceland, and i write everything of both pages from my home in Iceland.
II have been working as a busdriver in Iceland now for 25, years, and before that i was a sailor for 4 years in iceland
mostly on gilnet boats, capelin boats, and also small trawler that was fishing shrimp, cod, lobster.
I have a wife, that was living in Norway for 6 years, 4 kids, 1 dog, and 7 cats.

I work a lot in, but my most earnings for money is the busdriving because aflafrettir does not have so much income

I Gísli have had in the last almost 30 year ( i am 47 years old now when i write this) had huge interest in fishing data number.
that is the main reason for why i have, and    This page aflafrettir, started in the year 2007, and that means that 
the page is now 16 years old.

All these messages that i got from you readers, both from Iceland, and Europe, mostly from Norway is so great to me, because i can understand 
that you like that i am doing with this page aflafrettir,    and i just want to say to you all dear readers

thanks a a lot for the interest you have in that i am doing with this page aflafrettir, and i will continue with this page as long as i can.

Best regards from Iceland
Gísli Reynisson 

p.s Some of you have also ask me if they can support me,
and if you want then here is some for that
Gísli Reynisson 
IBAN. IS63 0142 1538 0889 2008 7537 09

Sunderöy Pic Christian Lockert Andreassen

My wife Hrefna, Me, and my football son, Reynir

Me with one of many busses i drive, and in the front window i have my name plate
Gísli R, and under that