Most all of crew of trawler with covid19 virus
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Here on was yesterday news about autoline boat in Norway name Stormhav about most of the . crew members that there sick by covid19 virus. in Iceland is a freezer trawler name Júlíus Geirmundsson ÍS. The trawler had been fishing out side the westfjords in Iceland for 3 weeks then the ...
Most of crew of Stormhav F-1-HV with covid19?
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not so long ago there was news here on that all the crew memebers on autoline boat Valdimar GK from Iceland had . been infected by covid19. in Norway there has not been much that boat crews have been infected with this virus,. But today, the liner Stormhav F-1-HV arrived in Tromsø ...
Seine boat Þorlákur ÍS with 50 tons in one day
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Now lets take a look at seine boat in Iceland. In total there are about 40 boats in Iceland that fish with seine and most of the boat are under 24 meters long. only 5 of the boats are around 28 meters long and longer. one of the boat that is over 28 meters long. is Þorlákur ÍS from bolungarvík in ...
Autoliine boat Beta GK did logo in the sea
Good mackerel fishing in Norway. Fredöy M-73-HÖ.
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Now in Norway has been good fishing of mackerel. both fishing from the pelagic ships and also for the boats that are fishing with hooks. In Fosnavog in Norway have been many boats coming with mackerel. and here is a pic of one of the boats. this boat is not big, he name is Fredöy M-73-HÖ. The boat ...
Big fishing on mackerel in Norway
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while Icelandic fishermen who intended to catch mackerel on hooks and were ready to fish. even then it turned out that there was no fishing because there was no mackerel,. fishermen on the hook boats in Norway have been fishing pretty well on mackerel . here is a picture of the boat Marie Emilie ...
Knester H-58-AV
Krill Season over - total fishing over 200.000 tons.
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Here on we have been writing about the krill fishing. Three big ships have been fishing krill close to the south pole and . the ships come in land in Uruguay. All this 3 ships are in own of company's from Norway. Now the Krill season is over this year. In total these 3 ships have ...
30 ton boat in Iceland stranded, all 4 crew member got rescued
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When sailing to harbor in night captains of the boat and ship have to look at all the instrument that are on the boat to sail . the right way to the harbour. most of the boats ship sails after navigation system. In Iceland now 4.oktober 2020 was a boat name Auður Vésteins SU that is 15 meters long ...
Trawlers in Iceland in Sept, 6 fish over 700 tons per ship
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Now in Iceland the fishing for the trawlers was good. In total then 15 trawlers fish over 500 tons per ship. and is this is Bergey VE that is undir 29 meters long trawler. Bergey VE was with 517 tons in 7 trips. 6 trawlers did fish over 700 tons, and . Kaldbakur EA was number one with 931 tons in ...
4x Brattholmen and 2x Brattholm.
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Inj Norway are almost 5000 boats. and often it is like some boats have the same name. Here we will look at 6 boats that all have well, almost the same name. 4 boats have the name Brattholmen. and 2 boats have the name Brattholm. If we look at the boats that have the name Brattholmen. . then we have ...
All 14 crew members with Covid-19
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This virus Covid 19, Coronavirus is almost taking over the world. almost every country in the world has now people that have been confirmed to have covid-19. In Iceland have been confirmed 2601 cases of Covid -19 since 1.march 2020. Now in september most of the cases have been with people that lives ...
Sólberg ÓF from Iceland with over 10.000 tons
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In Iceland are not many Freezer trawlers, they are only 13. and all of the work the fish in fillets, . Now in Iceland 3 trawlers have fish over 7000 tons,. and the newest freezer trawler in Iceland and the biggest one is Sólberg ÓF. Sólberg ÓF was build 2017, and is 80 meters long amd 15,4 meters ...
New pelagic ship Astrid to Denmark
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Here on we have been writing news about new pelagic ship that . are in building. and the newest is for company in Denmark. Astrid Fiskeri AS and this company is a family own company with Leif Johansson that is. 85 years old and he is still active in the company. The company have now ...
Ocean LL-677 from Sweden
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Lets take a look at another boat from Sweden. This is boat is pretty old, . the boat is name Ocean LL-677 and was build in Esbjerg in Denmark in the year 1961. the boat is 19,06 meters long and 5,56 meters wide. om board the boat is a 370BHP engine. The boat can carry 21,3 tons of fish iin the fish ...
Tenor VA-19-S is a Norsk boat, not Dansk.
Almost 16.000 tons of Lange/Ling in Norway
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Now we take a look how much lange ore ling in English have been landed in Norway. in total the boats have landed about 16,000 tons of lange. As can been seen here on the list most of the boats that are on the top 30 are auto lines boats. and also many boats that fish with gilnet. in seat number 31 ...
New Akraberg to The Faroe Islands
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Here on Aflafrettir was a news about freezers trawlers in The Faroe Islands. and they are only 3 in total. Enniberg, Gadus and Akraberg. Akraberg is own by company Framherji that Samherji in Iceland owns. The Akraberg that is now fishing was build 1994 and is 85,8 meters long and 14 meters wide. ...
over 9000 tons of Torsk/Bromse in Norway
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Here we look at how mush boat in Norway have fish of a fish call Bromse in Norsk,. This is Torsk in English . og á íslensku þetta er Keila,. In total have been landed in Norway this year 9211 tons on torsk/bromse in Norway,. most of that is fish by a autoline boats and boat that fish with line and ...
Line boats in Norway under 30
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List number 9. Now in this list for the lineboats in Norway that are under 30 meters long . are 3 boats that have fish more than 800 tons. Grotle that is freeziing the fish was with 384 tons in 4 trips, and is now nnumber 1. Norbanken 133 tons in 10. Selma Dröfn 244 tons in 23 trips. Föniks 332 tons ...
Autolines boats in Norway.over 30
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List number 8. Now in Norway have 7 boats fish over 2000 tons, and Österfjord was with 992 tons in 3 trips and with that . is now number one and is the only autoline boat in Norway that has fish over 3000 tons,. Seir was with 685 tons in 2 trips. Vestliner 773 tons in 2 trips. Fröyanes Junior 824 ...
over 13,000 tons of Greenland Halibut to Norway.
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Now we look at how much have been landed in Norway of Greenland Halibut,. In Norsk this is Blkveite. Og á Íslensku er þetta Grálúða. In total the boats and trawlers have landed 13400 tons. and as can been seen here in the list of top 30 ships. we have many autoline boats. Nesbakk is the highest of ...
Two new boat to Norway from Iceland.
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Two new Cleopatra 31 to Norway. . Recently, the boatyard Trefjar in Hafnarfjörður delivered two new Cleopatra boats to Northern Norway. The boats are both Cleopatra 31. The shipowners are Trygve Magnus Johnsen from Alsvåg and Ove Alvestad from Sortland. Trygve and Ove will be the captains of the ...
Over 100.000 tons of saithe( Sei) in Norway.
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Now we look at how mush saithe have been landed in Norway this year 2020. In total 142.000 tons of saithe have been landed in Norway and most of that comes from . trawlers and Seine boats in Norway. Here is a list of top 30 ships in Norway that have landed Saithe. ( Hérna er verið að tala um Ufsa ...
Margrét EA from Iceland with mackerel to Norway.
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It is not often that a pelagic ship from Iceland comes to Norway with fish. Last year 2019 one pelagic ship from Iceland came to Norway with herring,. this ship name is Margrét EA. and now in early of september MArgrét EA came to Prima Seafood AS in Egersund in Norway with . total of 668 tons of ...
Research LK-62
80,000 tons of Haddock in Norway.
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Few days ago we look at how much cod had been landed in Norway now this year 2020,. But now we are going to look at haddock fishing in Norway from 1.january 2020 to 1.sept.2020. Now have been landed in Norway about 80,000 tons of haddock ( á íslensku er þetta ýsan). and it is intersecting to look at ...
over 300.000 tons of cod in Norway.
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Now when 8 months of the year 2020 is over then is good to look how much cod the boats and trawlers have landed in Norway. Now in total have been landed 348.000 tons of cod in Norway. But some of this cod is not fish by a ship from Norway. 77.300 tons of cod that is landed in Norway is from ship ...
354.000 tons from Pelagic ship in Norway.
Trawlers in Iceland in august. 6500 tons from 10 ships
Seine boat Lub Senior from Netherlands.
Shrimp boat Dagö, ex Dagur SK from Iceland
Ocean Star FR-77 from UK in Norway.
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Here on we have been saying news about fishing of the pelagic ship from Norway, Iceland. and The Faroe Islands,. But in the UK, Ireland and Scotland are also pelagic ships. many of them come to Norway and Denmark with like, Mackerel and blue whiting,. one of them is boat name Ocean ...
Seine boat Rowenta N-666-VV in big fishing in august
Christian í Grótinu and Trándur í Götu in the Faroe Islands
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A news item was published here on Aflafrettir yesterdayabout a new ship coming to replace Tránd in götu. At least it said in the news,. still received quite a few suggestions from both Icelanders and Faroese fishermen that I had confused the 2 ships. . Christan in Grótið and Trándur í götu. . this ...
New Pelagic ship Christian í Grótinu
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In The Faroe Islands are not many pelagic, ship, but the pelagic ships that are there are all pretty big and can . carry up to 2500 to 3000 of herring, capeline, and blue whiting in one trip. One of these big ships is name Christian í Grótinu. . The current Christian in Grótið had a very serious ...
Vigri RE with over 2 million euros fishingtrip.
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Freezer trawler Vigri RE came to Reykjavík in Iceland few days ago with full load of fresh fish. in total Vigri RE was with 1226,1 tons of fish after 28 days of fishing. that is about 44 tons per day. most of the fish was saithe ( sei in norsk) 670 tons,. Next was redfish ( Uer in norsk) 232 tons. ...
Top 20 gilnet boats in Norway in august nr.4
Boat name Jökull SK sank in harbour in Iceland
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Now at around clock 1900 in Hafnarfjörður a 61 years old oak boat name Jökull SK . that had been laying in harbor since 2014. sank to the bottom after a sea came into the boat. This boat Jökull SK was build 1959 and had the name Þorsteinn Gíslason GK for almost 38 years. No crew member where in the ...