Dögg SU fish well in November
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In Iceland there are many boats that are fishing with line. both autoline and line in stamps,. the boats are in all sices. from 7 tons boats up to 1000 tons boats,. but most boats that fish with line in Iceland are of the sice from 13 tons to 15 tons,. and one of this boat . Dögg SU that is 11,9 ...
Freezer trawler Vigri RE , over 10.000 tons
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The fishing season this year 2018 is almost over now in Iceland,. and the fishing for the freezer trawlers have been relay good t his year. not total of 8 freezer trawlers have fish over 9000 tons,. and three of them have fish over ten thousands tons . Freezer trawler Vigri RE that is 67 meters long ...
Video from harbour Sandgerdi in Iceland
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Aflafrettir tried something different few days ago. went to Sandgerdi harbour and took video of all the boats that came there. in total the boats where 10. video is in english and u can see fishing life in the barbour of Sandgerdi. Click here on and then you will go to the video. the video is about ...
Over 1.million tons in Norway
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In Norway there any many pelagic ship . they are almost to many to have in a one list. so Aflafrettir took all the pelagic ships in Norway and put boats that are over 50 meters long on a new list. and in Norway now are 78 pelagic ship that are over 50 meters long. and these ship have now this year . ...
4 trawlers in Iceland over 1000 tons in oktober
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Final list of the Icelandic trawlers in október,. this október was one of the biggest because never have so many trawlers fish over one thousands tons per one month like they did now. in total there where 4 trawlers that went over 1000 tons,. many of this trawlers are brand new. like . Björg EA. ...
Icefish trawler Björg EA, well over 1000 tons in oktober
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Fishing for the trawlers in Iceland that fish in Ice and come with the fish fresh to land was relay good in október,. one of the newest ice-fish trawlers in Iceland name is Björg EA and is own by Samherji ehf in Iceland,. Björg EA had huge fishing in Október because in total. Björg EA landed 1325 ...
Víkingur over 50.000 tons this year
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This year in ICeland the fishing for the pelagic ships has been pretty good,. now in the beginning of Oktober five ships have fish over 40 thousands tons this year,. and Víkingur AK is number 1,. Víkingur AK has fish now 50.423 tons,. and he fish that in 35 trips, that mean 1441 tons in each trips,. ...
20.000 tons from 2 trawlers in Iceland
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This fishing year 2018 has been relay good for trawlers in Iceland, and for the freezer trawlers it has been relay good. But the freezer trawlers in ICeland are not so many, they are only 12, but in total these 12 trawlers has landed 94 thousand tons . and what is most intersecting is that now 2 ...
Norsk Pelagic ships. 1.1 million tons
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It has been hard to keep a list of Norway's pelagic vessels,. There are also a lot of ships that are fishing in Norway. Herring. mackerel. Kolmuna, Capelin and more,. Now I have 414 boats in my list of all sizes and types,. Now these 414 boats have landed a total of 1.1 million tons of all kinds,. ...
Almost 18000 tons from 3 small trawlers in Iceland
Kaptian Dolgikh in Norway
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There are many trawlers from Russia that come to Norway with fish. One of the that came to Norway some days ago is Kapitan Dolgikh. Kaptain Dolgikh was in Norway before and had the name Prestfjord . The trawler is build in the year 1987 and is 57 meters long and 13,2 meter wide. Trawler is 1693 tons ...
Photos from Grindavík in Iceland,
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Aflafrettir where in Grindavík in the beginning of Mai and the fishing was relay good . Here are some pics and under them is also a text about each boat. Ragnar Alfreðs GK boat that is almost 40 years old, and on the pic with 10 tons, fishing with line. Small boat Daddi GK with handline with 725 ...
Katrín GK with full load of cod
Trawler from Spain with over 1000 tons in one trip
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There are quite a large number of freezer trawlers fishing north of the Barnet Sea, including several trawlers registered in Spain,. One of those who was fishing there and landed recently in Tromso is the trawler Nuevo Barca. This trawler was constructed in 1987 in Norway and measures 2114 tonnes. ...
Huge shrimp fishing for Nordtind
Kristinn SH in huge catfish fishing. over 30 tons in one trip
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Now in Iceland the catfish season is almost started, and the boats that have going with line to fish catfish have been coming with full load back to land,. 2 days ago at least 4 small boats went from Ólafsvík and sail for 4 hours to the cliff Látrabjarg and went fishing catfish there,. and they did ...
Trawlers in The Faroe Islands
Sleipnir ÁR small boat with full load
Huge gilnet fishing for small boat Björn EA
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Gilnet fishing in Iceland in February was relay good . the boat that was the higest was with around 490 tons . But much smaller boat from island Grímsey Björn EA did well. Björn EA is 15 tons in size and in the middle of february the crew went out with only 40 nets. In the first trip and after only ...
Ísbjörn H-89-O in good fishing
Molinergutt 15 meters long boat with full load of herring
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In Norway are many boats that fish herring, capelin and mackerel and they are not all big ones. like over 60 meters long. quite a lot of boats are on these fishes that are under 15 meters long. one of them is Molinergutt R-20-K. This boat is 14.99 meters long. 5.9 meter wide and will be built in ...
Full load for Björgúlfur EA
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In Iceland year 2017 came 7 new trawlers. 3 of them went to HB Grandi in Reykjavík. 1. to Sauðárkrókur, and 3 to Samherji in Akureyri,. the trawlers that went to Samherji have all room in the fish cargo for more than 200 tons of fish,. Björgúlfur EA is 58,5 meters long and he came with his first ...
Big fishing for Doggi F-17-H
Gullhólmi SH in huge fishing. over 30 tons in one trip
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In Iceland the weather has been relay bad in February. . but finally when the weather got better the fishing also did well. Autoline boat Gullhólmi SH that is similar boat as Saga K in Norway did relay well in newest trip. They put out 45.000 hooks and on that they com 30,6 tons uncutt, ore rund ...
Norsk ships in good capelin fishing in Iceland
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Now in February, the Icelandic pelagic ships that are fishing capelin have have almost nothing been fishing. Meanwhile, the Norwegian ships have been fishing for capelin in Iceland and mostly landing their catch in ports in the eastern part in Iceland. . Nowadays, the Norwegian shipping has been ...
Kingfisher HM-555 in good fishing
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There are a lot of foreign trawlers and lineboats coming to Norway to land catches,. Now in February, a lot of Russian trawlers have landed in Trömsö. in Norway has also landed a tugboat made from Hanstholm in Denmark,. This boat is called Kingfish HM-555. This boat is built in 2007 and is 31.25 ...
New boat to Norway
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Boat builder Trefjar in Hafnarfjörður in Iceland has delivered new boat to Norway. Odd-Cato Larsen has this new boat and he will also be the captein of the boat. to Ombo close to Stavanger in Norway. The boat has the name Prince R-7-HM and is the type Cleopatre 36. in the boat is a 650 hp engine ...
46 Norsk pelagic fishing in Iceland now
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Now in Iceland there are many pelagic ships from Norway what are fishing capelin. Aflafrettir counted that now there where 46 pelagic ships from Norway in ICeland. Total of sailors on these ships is about 500 men. All of the ships have landed some capelin in Iceland. . but the biggest landing was ...
4 Norwegian Pelagic ships in Akureyri Iceland
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Now i ICeland are many Pelagic ships from Norway that have come to Iceland to fish Capelin,. and now in the biggest town in the North ICeland. Akureyri are now 4 ships from Norway,. Gísli Reynisson the owner of Aflafrettir.com is also in AKureyri and he went to the harbours and took pics of them . ...
Huge fishing for Stamsundværing N-72-VV
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It is well known through the history of fisheries both in Iceland and Norway that boats often come with considerable large landings. full load and does not matter how big the boat is. For example, in January there are two 15 tonnes of boats. Tryggvi Eðvarður SH and Dögg SU both brought over 18.7 ...
Norsk 15 meters boats in januar.nr.4
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List number 4. Good fishing on this list. Skriegrunn still on top and had 28.6 tons 4. Ingvaldson had a 44 tonne tonnage in just 2 rows, of which 24.4 tonnes in one landing. Aldís Lind 31 tonní 2. and a new boat Odden comes in place number 4. Saga K 28.5 tonní 2. Akom 15 tonnes 1. Stamsundværing ...
Valdimar H in good fishing in Norway
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Thr brothers Hrafn and Helgi Sigvaldasynir from Iceland started some years ago company name Esköy, they have had a good fishing with the boat Saga K, that was build in Iceland and is about 15 metrers long auto line boat made of plastic. Winter 2017 they bought a much bigger boat in Iceland, that ...
Pelagic ship Nyborg TG-773 got huge sea on the brigde
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Working on fishing boats is hard and dangerous work,. The pelagic ship Nyborg TG-773 from the Faroe Islands where on the they way to fish mackerel and where sailing between the Faroe Islands and Shetland islands . when big sea came on the bridge on the ship. the sea was so powerful that is broke 2 ...
153.000 tons from 3 ships
Ruth HG-264 with full load in Norway
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Mackerel fishing in Iceland has been usually limited to the period from June to September,. with Denmark and southern Norway, there has been a pretty good and great mackerel fishing right now at the beginning of this year 2018. Although Denmark is not a big fishing country, they have a pretty big ...
Korsnes F-39-BD new boat on Aflafrettir
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In the end of the year 2017 aflafrettir.com ask the readers of aflafrettir if they know about more boats in Norway that fish with line. autoline and stampline. In Norway there are many big autoliners that freeze the fish on board and come with few hunders tons in one trip. There are 3 line boats ...
Icefish trawler Málmey SK in huge fishing in just 4 days
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The days between christmas and new year are not many that trawlers can go to sea. . in Iceland there where not many trawlers that went out to fish, but one of them that went out was Málmey SK . Björn Jónasson is captain of Málmey SK and he went out on 26 of December. and the trawler came back to ...
15 tons boat in huge fishing last days of 2017
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Gylfi is a captain of the boat Tryggvi Eðvarðs SH from Rif in Snæfellsnes in Iceland. Gylfi is only 27 years old and he and him and the crew of the boat Tryggvi Eðvarðs SH has been fishing relay well now in the autumn . They ended up very well in 2017. because on the 29 desember they came twice to ...