Pelagic ships in The Faroe Islands.2017
Freezer trawlers in the Faroe Islands. 2017
Icefish trawlers in the Faroe Islands
Norma Mary from Hull in huge fishing
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December is not a big month for the fishing of the trawlers, because most of the big trawlers stop fishing just before Christmas,. In Norway, there was rely good fishing of cod now in December even if December is short month. for example, Gadus Neptune was 778 tonnes in 3 trips and Havtind with 777 ...
The Faroe Islands are now on
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Here on and last 10 years have been watching fishing in Iceland, and 4 years ago Aflafrettir started to watch fishing in Norway. Many readers have been asking about the Faroe Islands, if aflafrettir can have them also on the page. And now i can say that this wishes ...
Huge fishing for Havtind. over 80 tons per day
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Now in December there has been a very good fishing in Norway, and it can be said that fishing has been huge, like for the trawlers. One of those who have been fishing well in December is Havtind N-10-H. Havtind is usually coming with frozen catch yet now he is fishing in Ice. Havtind is almost 60 ...
Brand new Longliner to Iceland year 2019
New longliner to Iceland
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In Iceland there are about 20 boats that fish with longline. up to 45.000 hooks in the ship. Most all of them are boats that where build in the years 1960 to 1970. first that boats where fishing capelin and herring , but later on where change to longliners . only 2 boats in Iceland where specally ...
7 new small trawlers to Iceland
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Renewal of the fishing fleet in Iceland is going on and recently a construction contract was signed by four companies at the Norwegian shipbuilding station VARD in Norway. A total of 7 similar small trawlers will be constructed, all of which are about 29 meters long, which means that they can fish ...
New troll makes big difference in fishing
Komarno MK-188 from Russia in Norway
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In Norway there are quite a lot of fishing vessels that come to Norway with fish. . These ships are from many nations, because in addition to Norwegian ships themselves, Norwegian ships come from Iceland. Denmark and Russia for landing for exsample. Most Russian ships coming to Norway are trawlers. ...
Holmen new boat on the 15 meters list
Big fire in netboat Sólrún EA
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In Iceland the biggest town outside Reykjavik is Akureyri, there lives about 24000 people. close to Akureyri is a much smaller town name Árskógssandur and there live about 250 people,. In that town is a company that was formed 1973 and name is Sólrún hf. since 1973 the company has own many boats, ...
Icelandic trawler in trouble in Norway
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The freezer trawler Örfirsey RE from Iceland, went to the north of Barnetsoceanfor fishing in September. they where fishing pretty well until a failure occurred in the ship's screw assembly,. The failure was serious that it could not be sail for its own power and took the oil ship Norsel, Örfirsey ...
Biggest fishing ship in Ireland
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Aflafrettir is always finding new things to write about. came across the ship register over all boats and ships in Ireland and it is quite remarkable to compare it to Iceland,. in Iceland there are about 1,500 to 1700 boats still registered in Ireland last year, 1997 boats were on record,. Despite ...
Boat number one in Ireland
Irish boat Felucca SO-108
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Now when this is written the newest fishing trawler in Iceland is sailing past Ireland and not far from that trawler that name in BJörg EA 7, is a boat from Ireland that name is Felucca SO-108. just take a look at him,. This boat was constructed in 1995 and is 58 meters long and 10 meters wide. The ...
netboat Kamöyfjord F-175-NK
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I have told you dear readers that Aflafrettir has the best readers available. you have been diligent to hear me about the other and this and if I have missed pictures of boats they have come. It is certain that Aflafrettir not only has good readers in Iceland. Norwegians and English are also a huge ...
One Click per day...
Little fishing from Hull trawler Norma Mary
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Here on Aflafrettir was a news about huge fishing for trawler Norma Mary that is from Hull í Uk, when then trawler was fishing in Greenland in summer and the the fishing was up to 130 tonns per day. Here you can read the news about that fishing. After this huge fishing the trawler went to Norway ...
Almost 1700 tonns from Russians trawlers
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It is always just a little fun to take a look to Norway and see what ships and trawlers are coming there with fish. in Tromsö are many freezer trawlers from Russia that come with with, and here are two big trawlers that came to Tromsö with full load og greenland halibut. ( ore blakveite as it is in ...
HUGE month for Björgvin EA in Iceland
Full load for Atlantic Viking M-68-G
Fight of the century
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It appears that Aflafrettir reported last week that Samherji would sell Baldvin from its fleet. Baldvin had the name Baldvin Thorsteinsson EA for a long time. and in a news yesterday, it was said verbatim by Samherji's website,. Baldvin Thorsteinsson EA was a very successful fishing vessel and its ...
Kirkella from Hull again with huge fishing
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Here on Aflafrettir was news for about 1 month ago about freezer trawler Kirkella that is from Hull in UK, and in own in some part by Samherji in Iceland about huge fishing from the trawlers,. Here you can read the old news about Kirkella . Now Kirkella has come back to tromsö in Norway and now also ...
First fishing trip for Cuxhaven NC-100
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Here on Aflafrettir have been news about fishing of trawlers that are in own of companys that Samherji in Akureyri in ICeland owns. That is news about . fishing of Kirkella. , and . fishing of Norma Mary. . Samherji bought in the year 1998 . Deutsche Fischfang Union (DFFU) and now in this summer ...
Holmöy with almost 1300 tonn
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In Norway there are many newely trawlers and one of them is Holmöy. Holmöy is in the group with the newest trawler in Norway and was built in the year 2016. Holmöy was build 2016 and is 69,7 meters long and has 7300 horsepower engine,. The trawler came to Myre that is in North Norway some days ago ...
1800 tonns in just 19 days. Norma Mary from Hull
98 tonns in 5 trips
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Readers of Aflafrettir have been in contact with Aflafrettir and letting the page know about many things, like fishing and sending pictures. yet their efficiency is not limited to Icelandic readers, no because Norwegian readers and fishermen have also contacted and informed about various,. one of ...
Norsk 15 meters boat in agust
4200 tonns in 2 weeks from 3 boats
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It is often fun to go through the Norwegian fishery. You will always find some goodies,. And here's one thing that's pretty special,. There is not one boat covered by it, but three,. All these boats are not able to fish yet they are reaching Tare and land him not in a port, but in a ship called Bona ...
Icelandic pelagic ships 2017
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List number 12. Now on this list all the icelandic ships have been fishing macrele and fishing is realy good,. Venus NS was with 7325 tonns in 9 trips. BörkurNK 5202 tonns in 8 . Víkingur AK 6102 tonns in 8 trips. Beitir NK 5436 tonns in 8. Boats from the town of Hornafjorður where fishing well. ...